Formaldehyde fixation may be the gold standard for preserving cells and tissues but alcohol-based fixation can deliver improved results in many biomolecular techniques - with the benefit of safer, greener chemistry.
Read MoreTurmeric tissue staining for histology and bioimaging
The vibrant color of turmeric has made it useful since ancient times as a cooking spice and clothing dye. There has been much interest in researching it’s potential as a disease therapy. This research focus has prompted labs to apply this low cost, non-toxic substance to tissue staining (1) and bioimaging (2) studies. While turmeric has not been certified by the Biological Stain Commission just yet, studies have demonstrated some good potential to replace synthetic dyes.
Read MoreHow to construct a lab scale solvent recycler
Please see this Organic Process Research and Development paper to learn how to construct and operate a distillation unit that is "affordable, accessible and reliable" - for greener solvent usage in common students and research labs.
Image credit: Org. Process Res. Dev., 2017, 21 (4), pp 578–584