Laboratory equipment and supplies reuse
We all hate to see scientific resources go to waste! Use the following organizations to donate, swap, or sell life science lab equipment or consumables. Consider the instruments below to reprocess your pipette tips or microwell plates for reuse.
Donate lab equipment and or consumables donations to these non-profit organizations
BioLink Depot: Donate used lab equipment/instruments, excess unused lab supplies/consumables, used glassware or chemware, lab furniture, apparel/PPE, etc. to this nonprofit - to be given out free to science educators on the West Coast of the United States and beyond.
BioRTC - Donate lab equipment to the Biomedical Science Research and Training Centre at Yobe State University which is establishing state-of-the-art, core infrastructure to support biomedical scientific research and training in Africa.
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The Reagent Project: Redistributing donated laboratory materials to scientists around the world #GiveScience
Seeding Labs: Donate used lab equipment or unopened consumables to help Seeding Labs provide global accessibility for scientists.
Massachusetts Biotechnology Education Foundation: Your donation helps students get excited about science, helps schools and teachers deliver quality science classes with up-to-date equipment, and offers new opportunities to underserved students and often overlooked adults.
MedShare: Medshare is an American non-profit organization that delivers donated lab equipment, lab supplies, and training to communities in need around the world, diverting from landfill waste. This link will bring you to their list of acceptable donations. Individuals can bring donations to centers near the San Francisco, Atlanta and New York metropolitan areas.
The Pipetting Pigeon is seeking recipient laboratories and schools in need of donated, unused lab consumables in the New England area.
Donate lab equipment to Government organizations
LEDP - The Laboratory Equipment Donation Program was established by the United States Department of Energy (DOE) to grant surplus and available used laboratory equipment to full-time faculty at universities and colleges in the United States for use in energy-oriented Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) educational programs. Full-time biology faculty researchers primarily focused on energy are suitable applicants. Your organization must be sponsored by the Department of Energy and approved for access.
re-use pipette tips or microplates at your lab facility
Grenova: Automation instruments capable of washing plastic pipette tips or multi-well plates to make labs sustainable, efficient, and resilient to supply chain disruptions. Validation case studies available for mass spec, molecular, biochemical, and immuno-based assays
IonField Systems: By purpose-building clean tech to reduce an organization’s carbon footprint, IonField Systems offers solutions for cleaning microplates and pipette tips (including pin tools and filtered tips). Rather than a basic rinse, IonField’s plasma cleaning technology destroys assay material at a molecular level. Want to see how much your organization can reduce its carbon footprint by reusing these plastics? IonField Systems offers a Custom Life Cycle Assessment powered by Zühlke, a leading global environmental/sustainability consultancy.
Services that enable equipment or supply re-use
American Instrument Exchange: Buys, refurbrishes and sells used laboratory and scientific equipment
Cambridge Scientific: Extending the life of surplus laboratory equipment through remanufacturing, reuse, and leasing.
UniGreenScheme Universities get money back for unwanted and outdated lab equipment with their free and award-winning equipment resale service
Certified Genetool: Source for refurbished biotech instruments to manufacturer's standards with a 90-day warranty, enabling researchers to access the best technology solutions available with a limited budget and enforce the concept of Reduce, Reuse and Recycle!
GovDeals: Buy laboratory, medical, and dental equipment & supplies to outfit your facility. From microscopes to mass spectrometers to DNA analyzers and much more, we've completed over 65,000 successful auctions of biopharma equipment. US & Canada
Rheaply: Rheaply is an online platform to buy, sell, trade, donate, and rent resources within your organization and connected networks. Originally launched at Northwestern University to share lab resources with the concept is to "Research - cheaply".
The Pipette Solution performs pipette calibrations and repairs in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Texas.
Warp it Reuse Network: Those with institutional access can find, give away, or loan laboratory equipment, office furniture and other unused resources within your own organization and beyond. (U.K., E.U., USA, AU & NZ)
REUZit®: manages surplus equipment for pharmaceutical and biotech companies with extensive experience in refurbishing lightly used equipment, which are listed for sale on their website and online marketplaces.
Boston Microscopes: Source for used microscopes and accessories. A purchaser of surplus microscopes.