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Rheaply’s Virtual Lab Surplus Platform is a semi-finalist for VERGE19 Accelerate

Rheaply's pitch video for Verge 19's Accelerate competition.

Rheaply is bringing the sharing economy to the lab, but they need your help!

Maintaining a laboratory can be a daunting task; from stocking single-use plastic disposables to knocking the dust off of the equipment that you didn’t even remember you had on that once-a-year cleaning day. The worst part - you just ordered a brand new one last week. It all raises the question: How do you handle excess scientific tools in a sustainable way?

Rheaply provides a user-friendly online platform to manage and exchange surplus assets. It promotes assets being utilized to their maximum potential, while minimizing the impact of daily waste that come out of labs. Rheaply’s game-changing approach to lab resource management gives scientists more time on the bench, rather than rummaging around in storage for extra supplies that may have unfortunately been trashed. But to get this platform in front of more industry professionals and make a greater impact on laboratory surplus and waste, Rheaply needs your help by the end of this month. 

In early September, GreenBiz’s VERGE 2019 conference will gather upwards of 3,000 industry and thought leaders to discuss and propel the concepts that backbone clean energy and sustainable economies. With four different tracks – energy, transportation, circular economics, and carbon – attendees will be able to ascertain knowledge on emerging technologies and applicable solutions within each sector. A highlight of the VERGE conference is Accelerate, a fast-pitch competition that allows small business and startups to pitch their company to the VERGE audience and an online community that spans the globe – and Rheaply has been selected as a semifinalist. 

To get to the stage at VERGE, Rheaply is depending on community members (like YOU)  to vote. This would not only be an opportunity for Rheaply’s platform itself to be seen by many. It’s a big opportunity to promote awareness of the millions of tons of surplus and equipment that could be shared by scientists across the country. By broadening the scope of lab organization and creating accessibility, Rheaply can make a profound change to the way surplus and waste is handled by the scientific community. What is better for science, is better for us all. 

The Verge covers the intersection of technology, science, art, and culture. Thousands will attend The VERGE 19 conference which accelerates the clean economy.

The link to vote is here; voting closes on August 30th. 

About Rheaply

Rheaply’s flagship Asset Exchange Manager combines a modern asset management solution with a virtual exchange program, allowing researchers to recapture the value of assets locked away in storage, idling underutilized or bound for landfill. The system notifies users of items as they become available or are requested, and thereby maximizes reuse and remanufacturing of resources across operations and industries.

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