3 Tips for a Greener Cleanroom

Labs that require the regular use of rooms to decontaminate employees know how much of a misnomer the term “cleanroom” can be. Sure, these areas prevent allergens and pollutants from affecting the workplace and potential consumers, but one look at the energy costs of operating such an area reveals an ironic truth: running a cleanroom can be a dirty business.

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What Does "Green Chromatography" Yield?

Subjects, such as resource optimization or better energy usage, have arrived in the laboratory. What does this mean for the most important separation method, chromatography? An inventory shows the amount of optimization potential in the technology that is more than 100 years old.

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The Microbead Ban and Responsible use of Microspheres in the Lab

How should the US Microbead-Free Waters act  affect our thinking about the proper disposal of microspheres as lab waste? Learn how biotechnology companies are using the bioplastic PHA with good results and further developing its use for other lab applications.

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A Green Chemistry Question: Is Toxic Formaldehyde Based Tissue Fixation Good Enough?

Read about KINFix a formalin-free fixative that is optimized for histological, immunohistochemical and molecular analyses of neurosurgical tissue specimens.  KINFix is a non-hazardous replacement for formalin with "green lab" attributes.  Perhaps your lab work can benefit from switching?

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