The Microbead Ban and Responsible use of Microspheres in the Lab

How should the US Microbead-Free Waters act  affect our thinking about the proper disposal of microspheres as lab waste? Learn how biotechnology companies are using the bioplastic PHA with good results and further developing its use for other lab applications.

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A Green Chemistry Question: Is Toxic Formaldehyde Based Tissue Fixation Good Enough?

Read about KINFix a formalin-free fixative that is optimized for histological, immunohistochemical and molecular analyses of neurosurgical tissue specimens.  KINFix is a non-hazardous replacement for formalin with "green lab" attributes.  Perhaps your lab work can benefit from switching?

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Smart and Sustainable Lab Glassware

Read about the virtues of glass, a material intimately linked with science.  Then consider how a 1768 masterpiece expresses the many ways people view scientific progress.  As a viewer you are met with the scientist's gaze that questions, should I or shouldn't I? And so today, we must also weigh the consequences of our work.

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