Save on energy costs without replacing your laboratory building windows

Here is a green labs tip based on a new study, that will help you "turn out the lights" on energy waste and "open your window" to energy savings!  

Instead of replacing your windows, use smart lighting systems.  Retrofit your work space with dimmable LED lighting systems that adjust to daylight levels and occupancy.  Install automated shades that laboratory staff can easily raise or lower as needed.  According to a study by theBuilding Energy Exchange (BEEx) and Berkeley Lab these retrofits reduced energy use by 74-79% in an office building.  Improvements in simplified installation and reduced costs have made retrofitting buildings with these systems a good choice.

"Using everything we learned on this project, we've developed a series of tools that will really help the engaged design professional or building owner make better decisions about lighting system upgrades, and avoid the common pitfalls on the road to a high performance office space," said Yetsuh Frank, BEEx managing director of strategy and programs."

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labconscious labs use smart lighting