Green Chemistry is the Pinnacle of Lab Safety

In today's green lab tip I would like to refer you to the OSHA Transitioning to Safer Chemicals Toolkit that highlights how efforts to substitute hazardous chemicals with green chemistry is the most effective way to promote laboratory safety.


Green chemistry is a solution-oriented approach to lab safety with economic benefits according to OSHA

The Toolkit is designed overall to help laboratories to improve worker well-being through eliminating or reducing hazardous chemicals, while creating other benefits, including:

  • Cost Savings — Reduce expenses and future risks.

  • Efficiency — Improve performance.

  • Industry Leadership — Invest in innovation to stay competitive.

  • Corporate Stewardship — Advance socially responsible practices.

Informed substitution of hazardous chemistry is the primary goal of the seven-step process presented by OSHA.  This toolkit contains links to many comparative chemical hazard assessment method tools that allow users to evaluate hazards, performance, and economic viability.

Example success stories are for provided for the chemical manufacturer DuPont and plastics manufacturer AlphaGary.  These organizations were able to reduce substantial direct, indirect, and liability costs by replacing hazardous chemicals with greener alternative processes.

Ultimately this is an open online resource that industrial, biomedical, and academic labs can use to plan how to introduce green chemistry to enhance laboratory safety and protect the environment.  So check it out!  Then ask yourself, is there a green chemistry goal that will improve our lab's safety?

Image credit: OSHA Green chemistry is the pinnacle of lab safety!

Image credit: OSHA Green chemistry is the pinnacle of lab safety!